S3 EP3 | Getting through our 20s | Heartbreak, Destiny and Purpose w/ The Mizaan


Episode notes

Our 20s are a crazy time 🎢

We try to map out what we’re going to do for the rest of our lives, start thinking about marriage and have to deal with the emotional rollercoaster as things don’t always go to plan🗺️

From our studies, to our jobs, to our relationships and more…

How do we deal with ourselves when things don't work out? Are others having it as tough as we are? Do things really get better when it doesn’t feel that way? 🤔

Cosy up and hear the journey and gems from none other than Sister Assia - aka. ‘The Mizaan’’!🙌

After just turning 30 and releasing her new book ‘The Winds of Change’, Sister Assia gives all the things she wished she’d known when she was in her 20s.

Sister Assia is the founder of the page ‘The Mizaan’ where she runs an Islamic lifestyle blog ranging from w ... 

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