S3 EP1 | But I'm Just a Uni Student? - Unlocking Your Potential w/ Sister Raz Aziz


Episode notes

🤔We've all thought about it...

Our socials are flooded with people hitting massive milestones, having an entire business at 18 and the list doesn't stop! 🚀

It can eat at us when we feel like we aren't 'doing enough', especially as university students who are trying to make sense of our lectures, fit in our sleep and family time, trying to navigate what we want to do in the future and all emotions that come with being a university student 🎢

🔮We hear our older brothers and sisters tell us that "the future is our youth" and that "we have imaginable potential".....

but what does really mean? what does that look like? how do we tap into our potential? 🔓

Hear and get inspired from none other than sister Raz Aziz 🙌

📱Follow her on instagram @razazziz for more content!
