The West Report

by Michael West Media

The West Report is dedicated to the public interest. Our focus is investigations into big business, particularly multinational tax avoidance, banking and the energy sector.

Podcast episodes

  • White Collar Crims Paradise - Money Laundering in Australia

    White Collar Crims Paradise - Money Laundering in Australia

    Over 17 years of dithering and the money laundering Bill (AML-CTF) has been shovelled off to a committee for more 'stakeholder engagement' as lawyers, accountants, and property developers are not happy.

  • Who is behind Australia's biggest ticketing company?

    Who is behind Australia's biggest ticketing company?

    Attn musos and entertainers! ACCC! Ticketek's 8 companies to Singapore, thence Cayman Islands? Is anybody looking at this stuff?

  • Tony time - Scam of the week

    Tony time - Scam of the week

    Tony's back! Joe Hockey, Mark "Shredder" Dreyfus, Caymans Angus, Jane Hume and Tony Abbott. Who will win Scam of the Week in Australian politics and business?

  • Green Day ticket heist and dynamic pricing

    Green Day ticket heist and dynamic pricing

    Are Australians paying through the roof for concert tickets? Josh checks out Dynamic Ticket Pricing where fans watch prices soar while they are trying to get tickets.

  • Bust 'em Up - the land of duopolies

    Bust 'em Up - the land of duopolies

    Bridget McKenzie had a good idea - bust up Qantas and Virgin - but quickly got hammered, pulled it, and blamed it on Labor. But it was good! Competition regulation is huge for Australia.