Are You Fit Enough for Pickleball?

The RunRX Podcast by Coach Valerie & Coach Caroline

Episode notes

This episode can help you improve both your Pickleball and running game. Tune in and learn more!

Timestamps of big takeaways

[00:22] Introduction

Coach Caroline introduces the topic of Pickleball and what happens when you take a break from exercising

[01:04] The Importance of Side-to-Side Movement

Coach Valerie discusses her experience playing pickleball after a two-week break and the soreness she felt in her calves.

Side-to-side movements, which are not common in running, are crucial for overall fitness and to avoid muscle fatigue.

[03:39] Fitness vs. Muscle Fatigue

Coach Valerie explains that muscle fatigue is not necessarily related to fitness level, but rather to the specific movements one performs regularly.

She gives an example of hiking in Utah and feeling different mus ... 

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fitness running coachpickleballcross training