The Human-AI Frontier: Navigating Possibilities, Pitfalls, and Progress | Stefano Puntoni (Co-Director of AI & Professor of Marketing @ The Wharton School )

The PlayerZero Podcast by PlayerZero

Episode notes

Stefano Puntoni is the co-director of AI, a professor of marketing, and a world-renowned behavioral scientist at The Wharton School. His research examines the psychology of Artificial Intelligence to understand consumer reactions and adoption patterns. Stefano teaches about technology, brands, consumers, and decision-making. He is passionate about research teaching, and connecting with others to share ideas and learn. Here’s an overview of our conversation:

AI adoption and consumer reactions (0:00)

AI's impact on behavioral science and future opportunities (2:45)

Adoption, innovation, and potential threats to personal identity (4:35)

AI's impact on personal identity (10:14)

AI's impact on jobs and identity (15:57)

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