Comfort Foods, Cold Weather, and Cozy Meals

The MetPro Method by Crystal OKeefe

Episode notes
Do you find that you have an increased appetite during cold weather? You're not alone! Many people struggle with weight loss during the colder months. But don't despair - there are ways to fight back against those winter cravings. In this episode of the MetPro Method, Coach Cat joins Coach Crystal to cover weight loss strategies during those cold winter months. Here are some tips to help you keep your weight under control during cold weather:We discuss:
  1. Does our appetite actually increase during cold weather?
  2. How dehydration can be confused with hunger
  3. How darker, colder locales can affect your moods
  4. Finding recipes that work with our plans but that are also warm & cozy
  5. The best options to warm up
  6. Healthy, cozy meals options to stay on track with your weight loss
  7. The role of light on your m ... 
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