Ayanna Wadada: Empowering Women Through Cannabis Advocacy and Education

The Caribbean Cannabis Channel by Prophet Natty

Episode notes

Ayanna Diaz, co-owner/founder of the Wadada Movement, is a trailblazer in the cannabis industry. Known as Ayanna Wadada, she is the driving force behind the Ladies of 420 brand, a lifestyle movement centered on cannabis advocacy and education. In this article, we'll take a closer look at Ayanna's journey and the impact of the Ladies of 420 community in the promotion of cannabis legalization.

The Birth of Ladies of 420

Five years ago, Ayanna and her sister founded Ladies of 420 as a platform for educating the public on the benefits of cannabis. The community also serves as a space for herbalists to come together and connect. The sisters believe that cannabis can help people in numerous ways, and they are passionate about sharing this knowledge with others.

Personal Journey with Cannabis

In a recent podcast int ... 

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