Randy Richardson, President of the Chicago Writers Association, recalls making an odd choice after learning of his parents' impending divorce.

Tell Me What Happened by Jay Rehak

Episode notes

In an effort to soften the blow of divorce on her two young children, Randy's mother invites the duo to each to pick out a toy at.a local store. Randy's eight year old sister picks out a doll while Randy picks out a hockey helmet. Randy recalls wearing the helmet home, although he had never played hockey nor had an interest in the sport.

An attorney and award-winning journalist, Randy Richardson is a founding member and first president of the nonprofit Chicago Writers Association. He is the first male recipient of the National Federation of Press Women’s Communicator of Achievement Award and was named to NewCity’s 2019 “Lit 50: Who Really Books in Chicago” list. His essays have been published in the anthologies Chicken Soup for the Father and Son Soul, Humor f ... 

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randy richardson