Tech Reads

by Tech Reads

Tech reads is a Softec sponsored 'live studio audience' podcast event that puts thought leaders (authors) in front of a growing technology-centric audience. Visit to find out when our next event will be held. Hosted by Brian Schwartz of, Tech Reads is seeking authors to be future guests. Submit your ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 3

  • Tech Reads Ep. 19 - The Psychology of Real Estate (Sonny Moyers)

    Tech Reads Ep. 19 - The Psychology of Real Estate (Sonny Moyers)

    Wonder what it takes to succeed in real estate? Our special guest, Sonny Moyers has honed his masters degree in Psychology (Human Behavioral & Interpersonal Communications Theory) to design a real estate practice that incorporates psychological insights, communication strategies, and business acumen. To excel in a crowded market, real estate agents should strive to be perceived as trusted advisors rather than traditional salespeople. Building genuine relationships with clients and focusing on addressing their needs is crucial. By prioritizing client satisfaction and providing exceptional service, agents can foster long-term relationships and generate referrals. The Architecture of the Real Estate Practice: The Psychology & Art of the Real Estate Profession is a revolutionary guide for new agents, focusing on the overlooked art of building relationships and emotional intelligence to achieve lasting success in the industry. It's a journey that will challenge you to rethink everything you thought you knew about succeeding in real estate. From managing client relationships to building a thriving practice, Sonny Moyers covers it all with fresh ideas and practical solutions. Join us as we delve into the secrets to becoming a true real estate professional. Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your career to the next level, this is an episode you can't afford to miss. Special thanks to Softec for sponsoring this podcast and Office Hours for providing the venue. Hosts: Brian Schwartz and Rosemary Russo Guest: Sonny Moyers Special thanks to Jennifer Foster.

  • Tech Reads Ep. 18 - Using The Science & Spirit of Intuition (Simone Wright)


    Tech Reads Ep. 18 - Using The Science & Spirit of Intuition (Simone Wright)


    Tap into Your Innate Intuitive Intelligence. Links mentioned in the podcast: The Book: First Intelligence: Our YouTube Channel: Simone Wright: Softec: About the Podcast: Hosted by Blake Beltram and Brian Schwartz with a live studio audience, we interview with Simone Wright to learn how we can strengthen our intuitive muscle (aka First Intelligence) to improve the quality of our decisions, align ourselves with our true nature, and discover more peace, love, and joy in our lives. In today's fast-paced, information-saturated world, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and struggle to make effective decisions. We're constantly bombarded with data, yet our rational minds alone cannot process it all effectively. This leads to analysis paralysis, stress, and suboptimal choices in our careers, relationships, and overall well-being. By embodying these tactics, you can join the 5% who actively cultivate their intuitive intelligence, achieving greater happiness, health, joy, and success in all areas of life. Don't be a sissy – face the challenges of intuitive growth with courage and reap the profound rewards. We all possess an innate intuitive intelligence – a profound guidance system that operates beyond the conscious mind. By tapping into this intuition, we can navigate the complexities of modern life with greater clarity, creativity, and wisdom. Intuition is not a mystical force but a natural capacity that can be systematically developed and applied. Special Thanks to Bob Dumouchel, Courtney Coleman, and Troy Thomas for joining us live! I hope you this as much as we did! ~ Brian Schwartz

  • Tech Reads Ep. 17 - Crafting an Authentic Personal Brand with Victoria Pelletier

    Tech Reads Ep. 17 - Crafting an Authentic Personal Brand with Victoria Pelletier

    Victoria Pelletier is the author of Influence Unleashed: Special thanks to Bob Dumouchel, Courtney Coleman, and Blake Beltram for joining me for this lively and informative episode! By implementing Victoria's framework and tactics, professionals can develop a compelling personal brand that sets them apart, builds trust with their audience, and aligns with their authentic selves, ultimately positioning them for greater success and fulfillment in their careers. Many professionals struggle to build a strong personal brand that authentically represents who they are and what they stand for. They often focus solely on their subject matter expertise or industry experience, neglecting other crucial elements that make them unique and relatable. Without a well-defined personal brand, they may struggle to connect with their target audience, build trust, and achieve their professional goals. Tactics: 1. Conduct a personal brand audit: Evaluate your current online presence, content, and messaging to identify areas that need improvement or alignment with your authentic self. 2. Develop your personal brand story: Craft a compelling narrative that weaves together your professional achievements, personal experiences, values, and aspirations. Share this story across various platforms to engage your audience. 3. Create a content strategy: Develop a plan for consistently producing and sharing valuable content that reinforces your personal brand message and resonates with your target audience. 4. Build a trusted circle: Identify a group of trusted individuals who can provide honest feedback on your personal brand and help you identify blind spots or areas for improvement. 5. Embrace evolution: Understand that your personal brand will evolve over time, and be transparent with your audience about pivots or shifts in your brand as they occur. Key Takeaways: - A strong personal brand encompasses more than just professional expertise; it should reflect your authentic self, values, and aspirations. - Crafting an authentic personal brand requires introspection, storytelling, and a willingness to be bold and vulnerable. - Consistency, relevance, and a commitment to ongoing growth and evolution are essential for maintaining a compelling personal brand. - Seek external feedback and guidance from trusted individuals to identify blind spots and ensure your personal brand resonates with your target audience. Resources: #techreads #speaker #branding #influence #lgbtq #sanluisobispo #softec

  • Tech Reads Ep. 16 - Working collectively to avoid ‘Climapocalypse’ with Don Maruska

    Tech Reads Ep. 16 - Working collectively to avoid ‘Climapocalypse’ with Don Maruska

    Sponsored by A meaningful discussion on how to activate our inner activist and help save our planet. Episode 16 of the Tech Reads podcast features author and entrepreneur, Don Maruska. Don has authored several successful books, including How Great Decisions Get Made, Take Charge of Your Talent, and Grow and Enjoy Your Business. His most recent book is Solve Climate Change Now: Do What You Love for a Healthy Planet. In Solve Climate Change Now, Don takes an unconventional approach to climate change, whereby he encourages readers to tap into their passions and interests, guiding them to find their own unique "climate sweet spot" - the intersection of what they love and where they want to make a difference - and providing practical tools to engage family, friends, and communities in creating a sustainable future. Special thanks to Eric Sargeant and Samantha Joule Fow for joining us live! Visit our meetup page to find out when our next episode will be recorded. If you'd like to connect with the host of Tech Reads, you can reach Brian Schwartz through is website at

  • Tech Reads Ep. 15 - A Mindset for Business Agility with Agile Coach and Practitioner Larry Apke

    Tech Reads Ep. 15 - A Mindset for Business Agility with Agile Coach and Practitioner Larry Apke

    Unveiling the "Golden Rule of Agile." Our special guest was Larry Apke, author of Apke's Golden Rule of Agile: A Focus On Value Delivery. What is the Apke’s Golden Rule of Agile, you ask? It's a simple yet powerful principle that emphasizes delivering optimal value to customers in the shortest possible time. Drawing inspiration from the universal "Golden Rule," Apke's rule focuses on three crucial elements: the customer, the value, and time. Larry will also elaborate on why he’s become an evangelist for the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) approach to agility. During our podcast discussion, Larry discusses: The genesis of the Golden Rule of Agile How this rule revolutionizes Agile practices Practical applications in backlog management and estimation The potential impact on Agile teams and their success A special thanks to Softec, and all of our sponsors for making this episode possible.