The Art of Assessment: Maximizing Student Success Through Evaluation (S1E11)

Teachers Talkin' by Dustin Tatroe

Episode notes

In this podcast crossover episode, Teachers' Talkin' about Helping Teachers Thrive, Dustin and Ghazali partner with Tem Ezimokhai to discuss the overarching question "How can educators effectively assess student learning to support their progress and growth?"

Since embarking on her teaching journey in 2009, Tem has been on a mission to empower students to reach their fullest potential. Specialising as a Secondary Physical Education Teacher, Tem also has experience in Special Educational Needs (SEN) as a class teacher in an SEN provision. With an unwavering commitment to helping students become the best versions of themselves, Tem believes in the power of education to shape not just academic prowess, but character and resilience. Having mentored numerous teachers throughout her career, she is not only shaping young minds but ... 

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