
I Am the Storm w/ Brie Kunstman

Surviving the Suck by Haley DeGreve

Episode notes

I AM THE STORM -- say it with me!

Episode 4's guest is Brie Kunstman. Brie is 19 years old and a Stage two cancer survivor. She was diagnosed with Stage two Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a blood cancer, at age 18 during her freshman year of college. She shifted from being a super involved student on campus to spending days at the hospital doing rounds of chemotherapy.

Rather than hiding her diagnosis, she began an Instagram blog to take people through the life of a cancer patient as well as to explore life post cancer in a realistic way. Brie has become a fierce AYA cancer advocate and she uses her platform to help raise awareness. Now, she is a Psychology and Woman and Gender Studies major with a Spanish minor, and she is 5 months post chemo.

You don't wanna miss this episode about surviving the suck.
