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  • r/IDontWorkHereLady | CALL ME A B...

r/IDontWorkHereLady | CALL ME A B*TCH?! FINE I WON'T HELP!!! - rSlash Storytime

outdated by Storytime

Episode notes

Reddit rSlash Storytime r idontworkherelady where Men's Room Attendant Wholesome Lady Helped Me When She Didn’t Have To. **go to store after work in clearly marked work uniform, lady grabs earbuds out of my ears, yells at me and plays victim. Police show up, shes found at fault, has to pay for broken headphones. Then calls my actual employer to complain about the trouble I've caused her, and they tell me off.** You're not an abusive ass? Let me help you! I was wearing a funny devil shirt and 2 people still thought I worked at the grocery store not a story about someone mistaking me as an employee but me mistaking them

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