by Soulstice London

Join us for meaningful conversations, meditations, astrological analysis and crystals! Jodie, the Founder of Soulstice London, holds the space each episode for explorations into self care, spirituality, therapeutic practices and wellness trends. Light a candle, grab a crystal and beverage of choice and tuck into SOULSCAPE by Soulstice London

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Arcana 18. The Moon


    Arcana 18. The Moon


    In each episode of Arcana, Jodie invites Soulstice team members Bea and Audree to unpack a Tarot card and see how the archetype can deepen our understanding of what it means to live, grow and change. The conversation is supported by their knowledge from lived experience, spontaneous thought and psychotherapy training.The Moon is our starting point for this episode. Our in-house Tarot specialist, Bea, introduces us to this card of the illumination of the unconscious. Audree shines light on the Moon/Sun binary and rejects the societal demonisation of feelings, femininity and intuition. Jodie is fascinated by the lunar relationship to the tides and our watery bodies. Tune in for chats on cosmic droplets, shellfish, misogyny, colonisation and conspiracies. Together they look below the surface wondering how to accept the mysteries of life, look to creativity & dreams and connect to the deep wisdom of our shadows in order to embody The Moon.

  • Arcana 17. The Star


    Arcana 17. The Star


    In each episode of Arcana, Jodie invites Soulstice team members Bea and Audree to unpack a Tarot card and see how the archetype can deepen our understanding of what it means to live, grow and change. The conversation is supported by their knowledge from lived experience, spontaneous thought and psychotherapy training.The Star is our starting point for this episode. Our in-house Tarot specialist, Bea, introduces us to this card of resting and digestion. Audree befriends the concept having new-found appreciation after initially calling it ‘boring’. Jodie sees it as an opportunity to connect to our senses to find greater balance while healing. Tune in for chats on water bearing, glimmers of hope, Thoth Tarot and sparkly things. Together they wonder how we can embrace the glowing aftermath of turmoil, letting go of the past while finding unstifled relief and alignment to fully recognise moments of life that illuminate The Star.

  • Arcana 16. The Tower


    Arcana 16. The Tower


    In each episode of Arcana, Jodie invites Soulstice team members Bea and Audree to unpack a Tarot card and see how the archetype can deepen our understanding of what it means to live, grow and change. The conversation is supported by their knowledge from lived experience, spontaneous thought and psychotherapy training.The Tower is our starting point for this episode. Our in-house Tarot specialist, Bea, introduces us to this card of enlightening, realisations and shocking events. Jodie asks how we can heal after impactful moments through community support, empathy and personal boundaries of care. Audree shares their experience of identity crisis and advocates for the deconstruction of our internal limiting beliefs that were once for survival yet no longer serve us. Tune in for chats about architecture & emotional symbolism, corporate finance, types of therapy and chocolate. Together they wonder how to embrace the transformation that emerges from the crumbling & unearthing of foundations built on illusions to ultimately move through moments of life that align with The Tower.

  • Arcana 15. The Devil


    Arcana 15. The Devil


    In each episode of Arcana, Jodie invites Soulstice team members Bea and Audree to unpack a Tarot card and see how the archetype can deepen our understanding of what it means to live, grow and change. The conversation is supported by their knowledge from lived experience, spontaneous thought and psychotherapy training.The Devil is our starting point for this episode. Our in-house Tarot specialist, Bea, introduces us to this card of spiritual darkness. Audree questions the binaries of life that position things as ‘good or bad’ and reproduces oppressive power imbalances in society. Jodie isn’t intimidated by the devil and proposes we better integrate devil and angel aspects. Tune in for devious chats about toxic illusions, vulnerabilities, Jungian analysis and fermented fruits. Together they wonder about how, in a world where everything casts shadows, we can be brave and reckon with The Devil within.

  • Arcana 14. Temperance


    Arcana 14. Temperance


    In each episode of Arcana, Jodie invites Soulstice team members Bea and Audree to unpack a Tarot card and see how the archetype can deepen our understanding of what it means to live, grow and change. The conversation is supported by their knowledge from lived experience, spontaneous thought and psychotherapy training.Temperance is our starting point for this episode. Our in-house Tarot specialist, Bea, introduces us to this card of moderation, balance and abstinence. Jodie brings her thoughts about the pressures of a fast paced society and how this contributes to impatience and difficulties in finding stillness & peace. Audree questions behavioural therapies and our personal and collective relationships to knowing when enough is enough. Tune in for chats about ‘free feet’, tidying up and sex, drugs & rock n roll. Together they wonder how we can find a balanced middle ground between our internal and external selves to ultimately embody Temperance.