5G Network Applications opening up new paths for creation of new market opportunities and monetization on infrastructure investments

SNS ICE Podcast by SNS ICE Podcast

Episode notes

In this podcast, Dr. Bessem Sayadi, Research Manager at Nokia Bells Labs and Chairman of the 5G PPP WG on «Software Networks», and Prof. Ioannis Tomkos, Technical Program Advisor of the 5G Techritory Forum, discuss how the development of cloud-native 5G Network Applications can act as a catalyst for the growth of 5G networks usage by vertical industries (including Industry 4.0, Automotive, Government, Tourism, Agriculture, etc.) that are driving forces of Europe’s economy and a potential enabler for monetization on the investments made by Network Operators on 5G network infrastructures. In particular, they discuss different technical aspects of Network Applications, the challenges for their development and adoption, the establishment of 5G Network Applications marketplaces, as well as new business models that emerge for established business playe ... 

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