Show your true Colors with a new Blue-Domain

What you wanted always to know about Domains and never dared to ask... by Hans-Peter Oswald

Episode notes

Blue's the color of the sky

In the mornin', when we rise

In the mornin', when we rise That's the time,

that's the time I love the best

Donovan - Colours

Tests prove, that blue is one of the most attractive colours. Almost all tv studios all over the world are dominated by blue.

Today we are announcing a new top level domain for everyone who loves blue-the Blue-Domain.

Now you can get as a website and email address because the .blue domain has just been approved! And everyone is eligible. Research shows that blue is the most popular color, everywhere in the world, for everyone.

The color blue is an attention grabber, and it elicits positive, peaceful emotions of harmony, strength and loyalty. Many organ ... 

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