#Episode 28 | At what point do you say enough is enough and close your business? By Jeremy Jacobs

SBT AUDIO by Sam Thomas

Episode notes

On the 1st of September 2021 I stood on Hove Lawns walking my dog Biff, exhausted, frustrated and upset. That was the moment I took the decision to close my business after 13 years. Covid has destroyed my business. The business I started with my parents in their kitchen. The business we had invested all our time, energy, and love into making it work. A business that had, to us, been incredibly successful.

If you run or have ever run your own business, you will know how challenging it is. It can, if you allow it, take everything you have physically and mentally. Running a business is a choice. Yet it can feel, like it did for me, that it wasn’t, and I felt I had to keep on going despite the negative impact on my physical and mental health.

The problem with the hustle culture

We live in a culture of “hustle” and “ ... 

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business newsmental healthentrepreneur