#Episode 26 | Don’t know what to do? Good | By Matthew Bellringer

SBT AUDIO by Sam Thomas

Episode notes

We’ve all been there. Something unexpected has happened. It is time for a meeting. That meeting. The more people talk the more one thing becomes clear; no-one knows what to do.

The longer it goes on, the more confused everything gets. Arguments break out. Frustration boils over. Eventually, painfully, a course of action gets chosen. The same one as before. Yet the one thing everyone knows is that “same as before” will not help.

At work – and going all the way back to school – people expect us to have a ready answer. Not knowing is a failure. Something to be ashamed of. Something to hide. So we act as if we know what to do. That leads to wasted effort, missed opportunities and avoidable disasters. It leads to meetings just like the one above.

The problem is that we are not allowed to go off-script. There is a scr ... 

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