Bringing neuroscience to schools: what educators need to know about addiction and the brain with Lee Dalphonse

Rhode Island Youth Mental Health Webinar Series by Rhode Island Student Assistance Services

Episode notes

Post Survey:

This webinar will provide participants with an introductory overview of the latest research on the etiology, progression, and recovery from substance use disorders. A brief review of the evolving theories about addiction will be followed by a more detailed review of current research on the neurobiology of addiction and the evidence that addiction is a brain-based illness. Emphasis will also be placed on encouraging participants to identify a personal goal related to the reduction of addiction-related stigma by Bringing Science to the Streets through the sharing of information learned in this presentation, and from the various references cited in the handouts.

Lee Dalphonse is an ... 

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youthmentalhealthwebinaraddictionfamilyparentingrhodeislandsubstance usedrugsalcohol