Discovering the Power of God's Promises Through Nameless Women With Guest Paige Allen

Revealing Jesus with Christina Perera by Christina Perera Ministries, Inc.

Episode notes

Jesus sees and values those who feel unknown or on the fringes. Paige Allen is an executive pastor at Church on the Rock in Lubbock, Texas, and the author of the book He Knows Your Name: How Seven Nameless Women of the Bible Reveal Christ's Love for You. Paige joins Christina in this episode to share how she was inspired to write the book after studying the stories of nameless women in the Gospels and realizing that they reflect the struggles and experiences of women today. She emphasizes that Jesus sees and values those who feel unknown or on the fringes, and she hopes that readers will fall more in love with Jesus and understand his love for them through these stories. "Jesus ... 

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christina pereraChristina Perera MinistriesRevealing Jesus podcastpaige allenwomen of the biblechristian women