White Men Are Now the Minority Business Owners In the U.S.

Reputations In Crisis with Mike Paul, The Reputation Doctor® by ReputationsInCrisis

Episode notes

White Men Are Now the Minority Business Owners In the U.S. For the first time in history, white men are the minority business owners in the U.S. Women and people of color are now starting new businesses in much larger numbers. Top business journalist, Elizabeth MacBride, is our guest in this important episode. She is co-author, with venture capitalist Seth Levine, of a new book called The New Builders: Face to Face with the TRUE Future of Business. She is also founder of Times of Entrepreneurship. You have read her byline stories over the years in the Atlantic, Forbes, CNBC, MIT Tech Review, Quartz, and Crains NY Business.

elizabeth macbridewhite menseth levinebusiness ownersnew buildersminority