[#36] Hot Take Summer: Demystifying Birth Control and Cycle Tracking For Your Best Health

Rebel Wellness by Kaileigh Lauren (Coach Kailes)

Episode notes

It's the final episode of hot take summer! I'm tackling one of the most essential and often overlooked subjects: birth control. But, this episode isn't about old-fashioned teachings or taboos. It's about modern feminine science.

We'll explore what birth control, especially those with artificial hormones, does to your body. From mood swings to diminished sex drive, liver health to hormonal balance, even stubborn body fat gain – the implications are vast. We'll navigate through the tricky terrain of conventional medicine and how it sometimes overlooks symptoms attributed to birth control. We'll also discuss my personal journey, what's worked for my clients, and offer a care game plan for detoxing off birth control to reclaim your health, libido, clarity, and emotional well-being. Lastly, we'll uncover unique situations and nuances in feminine ... 

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menstrual cyclebirth control