The loneliness and judgement that comes with wanting both with Hande Cater | Interviews

Ready or Not by Ready or Not & Witching Hour

Episode notes

When Hande Cater made the decision to go back to working five days a week alongside her relatively new role as mum, she noticed that she was in a bit of a grey area: most mothers she knew worked part time or inside of the home and most full time workers were not parents. Or if they were, they were likely to be the secondary caregiver. And as we know, that's normally the dad.

There weren’t many people around her who balanced five days of paid work with the 24 hours a day, seven days a week role of parenting and as a result, she didn’t have many places to turn to when it came to making work, work alongside motherhood.

Here, we talk the loneliness and judgement that exists within this grey area, why working four days a week wasn't exactly working for her, and the anxieties mothers face when it comes to parental leave and the return to  ... 

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