
Criminal Minds Beyond Borders: Can We Take That Again Gary?

Procedural Veneration by Daphne & Hank

Episode notes
It is official. Our friendship with Gary has ended. We watch Criminal Minds Beyond Borders and answer the questions: 1) Can Gary try that line again? 2) Is it possible for such a star studded cast to have such low chemistry with each other? and 3) Is this show part of a deep-seeded and widespread conspiracy? Watch the best (S2 E7 La Huesuda), worst (S1 E12 Harvested), and kind of median (S1 E2 Harvested) episodes along with us and find out. Content Warnings: Racism, Xenophobia, Mutilation, Torture. We also recognize that crime procedurals often are a form of "Copaganda" by portraying policing, civil rights violations and other unlawful actions by representatives of the law in a positive light. Thank you to Jacob Krutulis for our theme song!
tv reviewuntrue crimetelevisioncriminal mindscriminal minds beyond borders