Obsolete Vernacular Podcast

by Beau Gatlin, Kristopher Kinzie, Mick Hoggatt

Welcome to Obsolete Vernacular, where three rookie podcasters but seasoned storytellers, Kristopher Kinzie, Mick Hoggatt, and Beau Gatlin, embark on a journey through time and tales. Join us as we explore the depths of our history, unravel mysteries, and delve into the fascinating stories that have shaped our lives.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Dads at the End of the World

    Dads at the End of the World

    Join Coach, the Captain and Beau as they dive deep into the waters of end-of-the-world survival strategies and celebrity sightings.

  • 20 Questions with Coach

    20 Questions with Coach

    Like something straight out of a sitcom, take a hilarious journey with us into the mind of the one and the only..."Coach".

  • Dads at Disney

    Dads at Disney

    Immerse yourself in stories as varied as the sights, sounds and smells at Disney in this episode from rookie podcasters Mick Hoggatt, Kristopher Kinzie and Beau Gatlin. Featured segment covers extensive tips, tricks and experiences from 3 dads at Disney. Also covered in this episode: Drive Though Santa, mustaches, satin pillows, hot takes and new music/ tv recommendations.

  • Bigfoot


    Lights, Camera, Action! Reality TV meets intersections with Folklore in this inaugural episode of Obsolete Vernacular. Get to know the guys as we dive into the deep end of Bigfoot, old words, music and wrong food orders. Original music by Kristopher Kinzie and Beau Gatlin