We Are Different - Embracing Our Different Path - Sermon - August 15th, 2021

Northminster Presbyterian Church by Northminster Presbyterian Church

Episode notes

Jesus announced to his disciples that he was “the way and the truth and the life.” Period—no “if,” “and” or “buts” about it. With such absolute clarity, we might be amazed at the amount of distortion we find in the church today, that is if it weren’t so prevalent. Every century, every culture, and at times every congregation seems to come up with an alternative version of Christianity and claims that their false version is the real one. False teaching about Jesus is the original— and the most dangerous—“fake news.” One of the necessary tasks before every community of Christ followers is to be on the watch for false teaching, to call it out and to reject it outright so that the true message of Jesus is clearly embraced and proclaimed. Listen as Dr. Bob Jordan leads us through 2 Peter 2:17-22