Into the Journey of Words: Structured Word Inquiry

Up Your Teaching: Transforming ELT & Learning Beyond Labels - Podcast by Ania Karwowska PolCa Languages

Episode notes

The English language has many layers, like a cake:




❕ When we try to examine it we see many words with different spellings, like these:

✳️ Anglo-Saxon (Old English)Short, one-syllable words, sometimes com .sky, earth, moon, sun, water, sheep, dog.

✳️ Norman French ou for /ū/ Soft c and g when followed by .amuse, cousin, cuisine, country, peace, .

✳️ Latin/Romance Multisyllabic words with prefixes, roots .firmament, terrestrial, solar, stellar,

✳️ .Greek Spellings ph for /f/, ch for /k/, and y ...hypnosis, agnostic, neuropsychology,

📢 Structured word inquiry digs deep into the language: it examines how word parts, structure, origin, and history over time tell the story of what words mean, how they're connected, and how they're written.

❕ A simple examp ... 

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