Spaced practice & getting unstuck with your English.

Up Your Teaching: Transforming ELT & Learning Beyond Labels - Podcast by Ania Karwowska PolCa Languages

Episode notes

Spaced practice can be compared to having a filing cabinet. If we do not cram it, it serves its purpose.

In this episode I will be talking about spaced practice and how it can be applied to yield results when we study English and often struggle with the learning plateau.


Kelley, Paul, and Terry Whatson. “Making Long-Term Memories in Minutes: A Spaced Learning Pattern from Memory Research in Education.” Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, vol. 7, 2013,

This and the upcoming episodes will be shorter but I will be attaching freebies.

Here is the first one - Spaced Repetition Workbook -

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spaced repetition