Is Dyslexia a gift?

Up Your Teaching: Transforming ELT & Learning Beyond Labels - Podcast by Ania Karwowska PolCa Languages

Episode notes

Is Dyslexia a gift?

In this episode, I discuss whether we should perceive Dyslexia as a gift or empower our students without labeling them.

Taking them from where they are to where they should be?

Tune in and listen!

and if you want to meet me and be trained by me in Poland fill in the form.


  1. Carioti, D., Masia, M. F., Travellini, S., & Berlingeri, M. (2021). Orthographic depth and developmental dyslexia: A meta-analytic study. Annals of Dyslexia, 71, 399–438.
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