Avoid it like a plague !

Up Your Teaching: Transforming ELT & Learning Beyond Labels - Podcast by Ania Karwowska PolCa Languages

Episode notes
Hi there, I'm Ania Karwowska from @PolCa Languages and I welcome to my podcast, Up your English, episode 2 of season 2: Avoid it like a plague". In this space, I dive headfirst into the intricate maze of educational methods, pulling apart fact from fiction and empowering Neurodivergent EFL Students.They all deserve evidence-based language instruction, not gimmicks and falsified truths.Here`s how you can work with me for free:sign up for my DysLetter-Subscribe to Linked In Newsletter- Golden Nuggets on Linked inor check my paid offers HERE-No matter what you choose I`m on a mission to bridge ...   ...  Read more
esl elt cognitivescience neurodiversity englishangielskienglishforneurodivergentstudentsneurodiversity