by KT Sloan

A podcast dedicated to better understanding MS and learning to live well with MS. Together, we'll explore a wide range of medical information, lifestyle choices, therapies and other care options that can have a huge impact on our existing MS symptoms, as well as work toward healing to slow our MS progression. MS impacts everyone uniquely, but together, we can all live better with MS. Join the flock!

Podcast episodes

  • Season 5

  • EPISODE 86 - You're Invited to the Symptom Free MS Summit - A Conversation with Mindset Coach Matt Rowe 

    EPISODE 86 - You're Invited to the Symptom Free MS Summit - A Conversation with Mindset Coach Matt Rowe 

    Do you live with Multiple Sclerosis and want to heal but don’t know how - or are looking for some inspiration or motivation to get you started? Join me today for a conversation with Mindset Coach Matt Rowe about how he lives well with MS. He’ll share his own story of personal growth, the power of mindset, and we’ll also learn about his upcoming 3rd Annual Symptom Free MS Summit! This FREE virtual event June 17th-29th features over 25 experts well-versed in healing a variety of MS symptoms. We’ll learn how to reduce inflammation, regain mobility, improve our quality of life through mindset, and much much more! All who attend will have access to additional free gifts such as resource guides, books, recipes, and coaching sessions. To register for this FREE event:

  • EPISODE 85 - Experiencing Awe & Wonder as a Pathway to Better Health 

    EPISODE 85 - Experiencing Awe & Wonder as a Pathway to Better Health 

    Did you know that experiencing Awe can positively impact both our physical and mental health? Join me today to explore the healing power of Awe. I’ll share information from a recent read: AWE - The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life by Dacher Keltner, and also share a bit about an Awe-inspiring experience I had this past weekend. We’ll talk about what feeling Awe is like, and the power of revisiting and sharing our past experiences of Awe. We’ll learn about the impact Awe has on both our physical and mental health, the eight different pathways we can explore to experience Awe, and several powerful ways we can intentionally create more daily and collective Awe in our lives. Take a listen!

  • EPISODE 84 - Timely Tested Tools To Alleviate Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

    EPISODE 84 - Timely Tested Tools To Alleviate Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

    Do you have symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis that you’d like to alleviate but you don’t know how? In this episode, we’ll look at research-based solutions to address pain, fatigue, the stress-disease connection, and powerful lifestyle medicine - as well as learn about some recent & upcoming transformative learning opportunities available to all of us on a variety of helpful topics. We’ll also explore some of my additional recent learnings about a variety of health-related topics of interest that can help us maximize our health and happiness so that we’re living a life we truly love. Living well with MS is possible!

  • EPISODE 83 - A Conversation with Amy Behimer, Health & Wellness Coach & Host of the Habit Hub for Autoimmune Health podcast

    EPISODE 83 - A Conversation with Amy Behimer, Health & Wellness Coach & Host of the Habit Hub for Autoimmune Health podcast

    Living with Multiple Sclerosis or any Autoimmune condition is certainly not without challenges, yet there’s so much we can (!) do to improve our current levels of health and future happiness. Join me today, where we’ll dive into a coaching conversation with Amy Behimer, a member of our shared MS Community as well as a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach!  Amy will share some of her highly effective strategies that help her and her clients live well with MS and other Autoimmune conditions. We’ll hear about her personal MS journey, the importance of mindset and habits in healing, how she supports her clients and helps accelerate their healing journeys, her podcast, The Habit Hub for Autoimmune Health, as well as an exciting free workshop offering happening next week: The 3 Habits We Need to Feel Healthy Again! To sign up or check out her helpful free resources, visit her website link.  Amy Behimer: 

  • EPISODE 82 - Making Friends with Your Mind - A Discussion with Creative Entrepreneur and Mindset Maestro Aaron Carey

    EPISODE 82 - Making Friends with Your Mind - A Discussion with Creative Entrepreneur and Mindset Maestro Aaron Carey

    Developing friendships is an important part of life, and sometimes we’re lucky to meet someone who lights up our world in a new and beautiful way. One such friend for me is Creative Entrepreneur and Mindset Maestro - Mr. Aaron Carey. Join us today where we’ll talk all things Multiple Sclerosis - his lived experience as someone who has lived with MS longer than not, and the many creative outlets and avenues of self discovery he’s explored along the journey. We’ll dig deep into the concept of mindset to talk about: ways we can make friends with our minds through mental fitness, how the choices we make each day determine our reality, the destructive nature of the human ego, the unexpected gifts of challenge, building resiliency through deliberate repetition, spirituality & enlightenment pathways, the concept of “woundology,” and the power and purpose of artistic expression as a healing tool.  You can find all of Aaron’s art at  @Phattybe on IG          Etsy: PhattyBGallery