Medieval Japanese Buddhisms

The Multicultural Middle Ages by Will Beattie, Jonathan Correa Reyes, Reed O'Mara, & Logan Quigley

Episode notes

What does it mean to experience a sacred text? How did Buddhism make its way from south Asia to the Japanese archipelago? How did the adoption of Buddhism impact the Japanese Middle Ages? Join Jon Correa Reyes and Reed O'Mara for a conversation with Charlotte Eubanks, where they discuss some of the many ways in which Buddhist beliefs and practices shaped medieval Japanese history, individuals, and landscapes. Additionally, they shed light on how engagement with Buddhist sacred texts was a deeply embodied experience for Buddhist monks and devotees.For more about Charlotte, Jon, Reed, and their conversation, visit our Show Notes:

religionjapanbuddhismsouth asiamonkssutrasembodimentdevotional practicesmedieval japan