Doubling Down with Lloyd Runnett of Louisa County Resource Center

Mike Arnold Agency Podcast by Kevin Jacobs

Episode notes

This week Gregg sat down with Llyod Runnett of Louisa County Resource Council. They partner with schools, universities, and other organizations in the community to make sure no child goes hungry. Some additional resources they provide are dental assistance by partnering with local dentists in the community to assist those in need, community closet assisting with clothing, and caring connections. Enjoy this installment of the Mike Arnold Agency Podcast to learn more about the charitable work and volunteer services Lloyd Runnett and the Louisa County Resource Council are involved in.

We hope you've enjoyed learning more about our Virginia communities and those working to continue its growth and development. We are here to serve you as well by answering and assisting with your insurance needs. Never hesitate to reach out to the Mike Arnold Age ... 

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virginiamike arnoldsmall businessmike arnold agencylouisa countylloyd runnettlouisa county resource council