Live Your Best Life with Liz Wright

by Charisma Podcast Network

Live Your Best Life is hosted by Liz Wright! Each week Liz shares shares from her personal encounters and insights to help you experience the wonderful transforming Power of the New Creation Life. Join us each Monday as Liz shares stories from her own life and brings us conversations with her friends from around the world who have insights to the season and moment we are in. You’ll be empowered with practical keys and powerf ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 213

  • Stewarding the Supernatural w/ Tommy & Miriam Evans

    Stewarding the Supernatural w/ Tommy & Miriam Evans

    Revivalists Tommy and Miriam Evans join Liz Wright to share their powerful God stories and their journey of encountering Holy Spirit and learning to depend on Him. Be encouraged that you can invite Holy Spirit into the busyness and chaos of your day and He will meet you there. He is your best friend and wants to do life with you! Tommy explains how they learnt to shift atmospheres and steward what God gave them to see it grow. Miriam is the author of ‘Glory Miracles: Creating Atmospheres for the Power of God to Flow’, and she shares how to challenge dead atmospheres to bring life. Be inspired today to go deeper still in your relationship with God and partner with Him to see transformation in every context of your life. Related Materials: As a follower of Jesus, you have been anointed and commissioned to move in the same kind of miraculous power as Him! Whether you are a teacher, doctor, lawyer, government official, pastor, or a homemaker; as a child of God, it is your inheritance to live in supernatural healing and bring it to those who need it! In Glory Miracles, author and healing evangelist, Miriam Evans shows you how. By creating atmospheres that welcome God's glory, you can personally heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons, and operate in the miraculous. You don't need a minister, church, or special healing evangelist to do this! This is God's will for you.

  • Constantly Living in Rest w/ Liz Wright 

    Constantly Living in Rest w/ Liz Wright 

    This episode is an invitation to reset into authentic rest and genuine trust, surrendering to God all the needs of your life. Liz shares a deep encounter where Jesus told her to let go and lean into Him. There is a grace right now to completely let go and trust Him like never before. Difficult moments and challenging circumstances are opportunities to choose Him! Like Jesus, we can rest in the boat in the midst of a storm. We aren’t designed to carry the weight of responsibility for our lives, we are made to rest into God, surrender control, and let His perfect leadership take first place. Be strengthened in your faith today as Liz leads you into encounter through the Beatitudes. It is possible to live in continual rest and trust, to live in ongoing encounter with the Lord! Related Materials: Join the International Mentoring Community IMC, to facilitate a safe environment where like-minded people at any stage of their walk can enter into a deeper experience of Jesus.Liz Wright will mentor you each week through revelatory teaching, powerful testimonies and the grace to step into life-changing encounters with Jesus.

  • The Time of Great Wealth w/ Obii Pax-Harry

    The Time of Great Wealth w/ Obii Pax-Harry

    Apostolic voice Obii Pax-Harry joins Liz to share a vitally important visitation she recently had with the angel over the global economy. The time of relevance and dominance of the Church is here! This is our time to experience great wealth as God promised in Deuteronomy 8:18. The Joseph’s and Daniel’s are being positioned as glory carriers to bring God’s perspective and transformation in world systems. There is an invitation for anyone in the Body of Christ to position themselves to receive understanding of financial matters and the way the world’s economy runs. We can become actual participators and bring divine solutions. Be strengthened in Heaven’s perspective as you listen today and come out of any identity-crisis you may be experiencing. You are on the Earth in this hour to expand the Kingdom of God and He is equipping you with the resources to do it!

  • The Mission of Heaven w/ Chris Overstreet

    The Mission of Heaven w/ Chris Overstreet

    Show Notes: Evangelist Chris Overstreet joins Liz Wright to share his powerful God story and how he is compelled by the experiential love of Jesus to spread the Gospel. Be inspired to step out in Spirit-led obedience and be set free from the fear of man. Check in with your heart if there are any soul ties that are giving fear of man access to your life. Today is your invitation for freedom! As you listen to this conversation, you will be encouraged all over again that your God story is incredibly powerful and unique, and will speak of the love of God in ways that only you can share. As we pursue knowing the heart of God, we become increasingly aware of how much He longs for relationship with those who don’t know Him yet. The mission of Heaven is making disciples who make disciples, who make disciples. Today is a reset into the truth of the Gospel and the priorities of the Kingdom. Receive Chris’ prayer over you today and encounter the love of God afresh. Related Materials: Capturing Heaven's Attention: A Lifestyle Saturated in God's Presence That Releases the Miraculous by Chris Overstreet Available in the USA Available in the UK

  • God’s Perspective on Gen Z w/ Jessika Tate

    God’s Perspective on Gen Z w/ Jessika Tate

    “He is who we think He is—He is good, He is kind, He is healer, He is faithful.” - Jessika Tate There is only one thing required to live a life yielded to the purposes of Heaven—our unending “yes”. Living in love with Jesus can lead us to many destinations, marking those around us with an invitation to know His passionate pursuit, no matter their circumstance or situation. In this episode, Liz connects with Jessika Tate, who is a missionary to war-zones, an international speaker, and an author of the book The Bartimaeus Generation: Unlocking the Multigenerational Secret of the Coming Revival. A missionary since age 18 after a salvation experience just two years prior, Jessika has ministered in nations around the world and now leads a movement of young female leaders called to transform the world for Christ. Liz and Jessika discuss her journey as a missionary in warzones, her pursuit of healing from PTSD, her unexpected calling to the younger generations, and what it means to live in love with Christ, yielded to His will. From age 16, when she first encountered Christ, Jessika gave Him her unending “yes”, taking her around the world and into some of the darkest and most dangerous places with the light of the Gospel. After years of working in warzones, Jessika needed healing, and pursued God for that healing. In that place, she had to answer the question that we all must answer when faced with challenges: “Is He really who He says He is?” As the Lord met and restored her, she discovered His faithfulness and His heart for the nations, and for the generations. Now, Jessika raises up young female leaders called to release the power and passion of Christ to the world. With a deep heart for the younger generations, Jessika and her team feel called to equip and declare the heart and vision of God over Gen Z and other generations like it, inviting them to step out of comfort and into the unknown with God. She does this by grabbing ahold of His heart for them, and His perspective, and speaks those words of life over them—something we are all called to do. As Jessika closes the episode, she releases a prayer that each of us would walk in a deeper and richer intimacy with the presence of God—that we would experience a oneness with Him that would transform our lives, the world around us, and the generations to come. Related Materials: Having ministered around the world with generals of faith such as Randy Clark and Heidi Baker, global revivalist and dynamic prophetic voice Jessika Tate has seen what the headlines and social media ignore: a generation who is quick to recognize that the activity and movement of Jesus is very near. Like Blind Bartimaeus in the Gospels, they are crying out to God in desperation—and He is answering. In The Bartimaeus Generation, Jessika infuses you with wisdom and boldness to recognize and reject the deceptive spirit of religion so that you can seize the supernaturally charged move of God at hand now. You can join this generation crying out with a holy hunger that captures Jesus’ attention and sets up divine encounters.