Episode notes

Twas three weeks before Christmas and all through the land, the LAD boys were ready with a big special planned.

The lists were all finished, multiple categories to scan, as E returned from the tropics with a nice tan.

Shine has his ice cream, Catman with no stache, had both joined the Zoom to giggle and laugh.

There are foods, traditions, and icons that delight, while Beau regaled us with a tale of a Thanksgiving almost gun fight!

J-Cat hit the egg nog, his stories never bore, listen to the one about the pesky oven door.

Off in the moonlight, somewhere by the sea, Sir Dilts stares in wonder why Vegas favors the Lions by 3.

So we give you our teams to see if they are pleasing, while Birdo reminds us of the reason for the season!

Happy Holidays to you, from the Life's A Draft crew!
