Episode notes
I grew up on the Bay Side,The DQ-Kings Side, ordering soft serve at High Tide. Dipping Dots had plans, the future of ice cream man.So I cruise on the avenue a hungry youth,Yo that swirl cone from Kohr Bros is the truth. Only way to set off lunch was copping a Chief Crunch. But it was just dream, for us teens, as ice cream fiends.Running down that truck, yo he couldn’t escape us! C.C.R.E.A.M. Cold Cream Rules Everything Around Me,Double Double Scoops Ya’ll!Here’s the scoop. The LAD boys are back for another season dishing out sweet treats to help you beat the heat! Grab your spoon and plenty of napkins as we churn out the best ice cream treats from past to present.
ice creambreyersben and jerrysdessertsturkey hillgood humorsummer snackblue bunnyice cream truck