Culture Craft with Craig Forman

Let's Make Work Human by Moe Carrick & Mei Ratz

Episode notes
We dig all things related to culture at work. And today’s guest has real chops in the realm of culture transformation. For the past decade Craig Forman has been driven by a singular professional purpose: to help the world work better by improving the places we work. He’s worked for and learned from some of the most highly successful and human-focused organizations that helped other companies build healthy, effective workplace cultures.For six years, Craig helped build Culture Amp, one of the most influential and impactful organizations in the people and culture space. As a Lead People Scientist, he helped organizations collect, understand and take action on employee data, both reliably and at scale.Craig has collaborated with some of the most innovative figures in workplace culture, including Esther Perel, Adam Grant, Simon Sinek, Claude Silver and  ...   ...  Read more