Drama Research with Cy Wakeman

Let's Make Work Human by Moe Carrick & Mei Ratz

Episode notes
One of the most common requests we hear from clients is, “how do I ditch the drama a work?” Today we bring you the goddess with the answers, Cy Wakeman. Cy is a drama researcher, global thought leader, and New York Times best-selling author who is recognized for cultivating a counter-intuitive, reality-based approach to leadership. Backed by over 25 years of unparalleled experience, Wakeman’s philosophy offers a new lens through which employees and executives alike, can shift their attention inward, sharpen their focus on personal accountability, and uncover their natural state of innovation simply by ditching the drama. Deemed “the secret weapon to restoring sanity to the workplace,” Wakeman has helped companies such as Google, Facebook, Viacom, Uber, NBC Universal, NASA, Pfizer, Johns Hopkins, Stanford Health Care, Keurig Dr. Pepper, AMC Theatres, ...   ...  Read more