How we can use singing to improve our mental health | Eliza Kate

Getting Mental by Luke Raynham

Episode notes

In the episode we discuss how singing benefits your physical and mental health, how singing and breath work are interrelated, voice exercises for public speaking and performance, how to be more articulate, what it’s like singing in front of 10,000 people, performance anxiety and more.

Who Is Eliza Kate?

Eliza Kate is a creative visionary and the founder of SingFest, an online and live singing community that encourages students to empower their life through song. She is a singer, performer and trainer with 22 years’ experience, passionate about building community through the power of music, authentic self-expression and communal experiences.

At 14 years of age, Eliza Kate was the centre of a 10,000 strong crowd for the opportunity of a lifetime – the youngest cast soloist to perform for School’s Spectacular at Rod Laver Arena in  ... 

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singingarticulationimprove your voicesinging coachbreath worksinging and breath workvoice exercisespublic speaking