Is It All Really Only About Loss of Control and Personal Freedom?

Using My Lessons Learned the Hard Way to Inform Teaching in the 21st Century by Dr. Howard Slepkov

Episode notes

Thinking about and reflecting on the struggle which we all witnesses on TV over the censuring of Representative Paul Gossar in the U. S. Congress, reminded me of my own classroom and what was expected of me as a teacher and of my students and why we had public education in the first place. Public education existed because it was assumed that schools would shape young people into good citizens contributing to the well-being of society on the whole. Good public education stemmed from the concept of the Social Contract as advocated by Jean-Jacques Rousseau and John Locke. We cede some of our personal freedom in the world to government in exchange for peace, security, prosperity and good government. How does that concept square with the arguments today over what is allowable in society and what we ought to do as a society or as institutions to pro ... 

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