Lean HealthTech

by Taryn Shipley

Industry professionals discuss the latest trends and topics in healthcare. Artificial intelligence, value based care, government regulations, legal matters, leadership, culture, and more.

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Let Them Text - A Common Sense Solution for Healthcare

    Let Them Text - A Common Sense Solution for Healthcare

    Founder of Percentric, Dr. Bryan Fine, talks about the technology behind a secure texting platform integrated with an EMR to let patients text their providers. We discuss businesses offering in-house doctors as an employee benefit to decrease absenteeism and how not having to deal with traditional healthcare system barriers provides an increased sense of job satisfaction. Tune in to learn about common sense, human solutions in healthcare.

  • Navigating Career Pivots in Healthcare

    Navigating Career Pivots in Healthcare

    Insights from a Clinician-Turned-HealthTech Executive on how clinicians can expand their impact in non-traditional spaces. We'll discuss motivations, challenges, and key lessons learned during transition. This episode offers practical advice and inspiration for healthcare professionals looking to explore new career paths beyond traditional clinical roles, highlighting the opportunities and growth in the health technology sector.

  • Relax and Take a Deep Breath - Pulmonary Chronic Condition Detection and Management

    Relax and Take a Deep Breath - Pulmonary Chronic Condition Detection and Management

    Co-founder and CEO of Flex Together, Emily Mischel, and COO at Pulmonary Services Consultants, Andrew Escobar, discuss the massive gap in detection and management of pulmonary chronic conditions. If your organization practices value based care, don't forget about these millions of patients (and millions of dollars) most organizations leave on the table.

  • A Radiologist's Best Friend - How Sirona Leverages AI for Imaging

    A Radiologist's Best Friend - How Sirona Leverages AI for Imaging

    Founder and CEO of Sirona Medical, Cameron Andrews, joins us to discuss how AI can increase efficiencies in medical imaging. He also addresses why healthcare IT needs to be rearchitected from the ground up to fully achieve AI's potential in healthcare.

  • Putting the Pieces Together - Artificial Intelligence Ushering in the Golden Age of Medicine

    Putting the Pieces Together - Artificial Intelligence Ushering in the Golden Age of Medicine

    Founder and CEO of Pieces, Dr. Ruben Amarasingham, discusses the technical intricacies of using AI in healthcare. He talks about using multiple LLMs simultaneously to take advantage of each model's unique strengths and as a fail-safe. He addresses how generative AI and predictive models can be integrated so all physicians become coders of their own custom predictive model. He explains adversarial injection simulation, how to leverage AI to reduce LOS, and shares why he predicts we're entering the "golden age" of medicine.