
Kissed By Fire - Episode 13 - Birth, Death and Betrayal Under King Jaehaerys I - Pt. 1

Kissed By Fire by StefLyoness and BWord

Episode notes

Well, well, well. Here we have it. Lucky thirteen.

In this bonanza episode, Beth and Stef start this absolute BEEFSTEAK of a chapter. We manage the first ten pages, you guys. TEN. There's lots going on, as usual.

Jaehaerys and Alysanne get on with their rule and show themselves to be excellent at it! The make progress and progresses (lol, iykyk) Stef casts some doubt about whether they really are that nice or if they're just great at politics. We also learn that Beth really won't cut Jaehaerys any slack at any time.

In addition there's a naked assassination attempt! Shock! Horror!

House Ball shows themselves to be a Baller house!

Rhaena's court on Dragonstone is dull AF!

Oh, and there is Jonquil, Jonquil everywhere...

And lastly, the craziness of the Targ family tree is explored, Stef misquotes H ... 

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