Deprogrammed with Keri Smith

by Keri Smith

Become a Paid Subscriber: Keri Smith is a speaker, writer, and the founder of Civility Dinners. Deprogrammed started as a series of interviews intended to better understand and make sense of her old belief system, Social Justice ideology. Deprogrammed is committed to fostering conversation, creating a culture that respects freedom of speech, and making space for both reason and faith.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Deprogrammed - SJW Meme-Maker Leaves the Fold with Christina Buttons

    Deprogrammed - SJW Meme-Maker Leaves the Fold with Christina Buttons

    Join us on #Deprogrammed, Thursday, July 28th at 6pm CDT for the premiere of Keri Smith's interview with Christina Buttons! Christina is a reformed SJW, artist & writer living in Nashville, TN.

  • Popped Culture - Bruce, Chappelle and Censorship in Stand Up Comedy

    Popped Culture - Bruce, Chappelle and Censorship in Stand Up Comedy

    Join us for a LIVE #PoppedCulture on #Deprogrammed with Keri Smith and Mystery Chris, Wednesday, July 27th at 8pm CDT. We'll be talking about Lenny Bruce, Dave Chappelle, and the history of censorship in stand up comedy.

  • Kerfefe Break - Canceling Chappelle with Sara Higdon and Lila Hart

    Kerfefe Break - Canceling Chappelle with Sara Higdon and Lila Hart

    Join us for a LIVE #KerfefeBreak on Friday, July 22nd at 12:00pm CDT with Keri Smith and special guests Sara Higdon and Lila Hart! We discuss how the First Avenue venue in Minneapolis canceled legendary comedian Dave Chappelle after pressure from a woke mob. Plus: Does Biden have cancer? Did AOC pretend to be handcuffed?

  • Deprogrammed - From Right to Left? with Hunter Avallone

    Deprogrammed - From Right to Left? with Hunter Avallone

    Join us for a LIVE #Deprogrammed interview at 6pm CDT on Thursday, July 21st. Keri Smith will talk with Hunter Avallone, a former conservative commentator turned social democrat. His main focus is on social issues and debating. Keri knows many people who have moved from left towards the right or at least the center, but not as many moving from the right to the left. We'll find out what they have in common, where they differ and what prompts that sort of trajectory in thought.

  • Popped Culture - The Red Scare and the Hollywood 10

    Popped Culture - The Red Scare and the Hollywood 10

    Join us for a LIVE #PoppedCulture Wednesday at 8pm CDT with Mystery Chris and Keri Smith as we walk through an abbreviated history of McCarthyism, The Red Scare, The Hollywood Blacklist and the Hollywood 10. Donning a 1940s hat for the occasion is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. :)