Keep It 100 with Sean & Christa Smith

by Charisma Podcast Network

Relief can change your circumstances, but a revelation can change your life! Each week Sean and Christa share authentic insights, spiritual truths and real life stories that will equip you to deepen your connection with God. If you want to awaken a passion, tap into fresh inspiration or grow in clarity this is the podcast for you!

Podcast episodes

  • "Tearing Off Toxicity: Insecurity Trap" S5 Ep9

    "Tearing Off Toxicity: Insecurity Trap" S5 Ep9

    The prevalence of insecurities today is a complex topic influenced by various factors including societal norms, cultural expectations, individual experiences, and technological advancements. Statistics bear witness that insecurities are widespread and can affect people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. Insecurities can manifest in different forms, such as body image concerns, fear of failure, social anxiety, imposter syndrome, and more. Social media, for example, has been associated with increased feelings of inadequacy and comparison, as people often curate idealized versions of their lives online, leading others to feel they fall short in comparison. In this episode of Keep It 100, we have a raw and real conversation on insecurities and give some principles that will bring freedom and healing to your struggle. Website: Facebook: @seanandchristasmithministries Instagram: @revseansmith @mrschristasmith Twitter: @revseansmith YouTube: @seanandchristasmithministries

  • "Vulnerability vs Faux-nerability: Could The REAL Stand Up" S5 Ep8

    "Vulnerability vs Faux-nerability: Could The REAL Stand Up" S5 Ep8

    Vulnerability is our Superpower...In our culture today, vulnerability and authenticity are regarded as VALUED attributes. I think they are considered such because they are rarely found. Being vulnerable is both freeing and terrifying. Freeing in that you no longer carry the emotions of whatever is going on by yourself, but terrifying because it’s possible that whoever you share those emotions with might not be able to help you carry those emotions and may reject you. There is a hunger for truth and honesty in a world filled with highlight reels and fake news. Facing our fears, wrestling with our worries, and sharing our struggles can help us fulfill our destiny and change our World. In this episode of Keep It 100, we have a conversation on VULNERABILITY and keeping it real, we also give personal insights, principles, and stories to INSPIRE YOU! Website: Facebook: @seanandchristasmithministries Instagram: @revseansmith @mrschristasmith Twitter: @revseansmith YouTube: @seanandchristasmithministries

  • "Being Unapologetically Unashamed: w/ Russell Johnson" S5 Ep 7

    "Being Unapologetically Unashamed: w/ Russell Johnson" S5 Ep 7

    How many people say they believe but then hide their faith from certain areas of, people in, or times during their life? You may read your Bible, but you don’t express your faith in school or work, because you don’t want to be known as the “Jesus freak”. You pray, but there are certain people in your life, who you don’t ever mention Jesus to because you don’t want them to see you in that identity. Or you’ll be all about Jesus in the privacy of your home, but the outside world would have no clue you’re a follower of Christ. In a culture that is heavy with shame and guilt over what we do or do not do, our past mistakes and failures, what we look like, and more, being unashamed is sort of an eye-opening concept. What does that even look like? Is it truly possible to be completely unashamed, much less unapologetically unashamed? In this episode of Keep It 100, we have an inciting and inspiring conversation with Pastor Russell Johnson of The Pursuit in the Seattle area, about one of the most important discoveries for any World Shaker! Website: Facebook: @seanandchristasmithministries Instagram: @revseansmith @mrschristasmith Twitter: @revseansmith YouTube: @seanandchristasmithministries

  • "Why Hell Goes WITCHCRAFT On You" S5 Ep6

    "Why Hell Goes WITCHCRAFT On You" S5 Ep6

    Wickedness is gradually becoming a regular thing in our society, so the art of controlling people against their will through witchcraft is also on the increase. Witchcraft is one of the devices in the dark world that the devil empowers to carry out his mission of directing dark forces against God's creation. In this episode of Keep It 100 podcast, we take on this subject of divination, explain why this happens to you and how to break it off you! Website: Facebook: @seanandchristasmithministries Instagram: @revseansmith @mrschristasmith Twitter: @revseansmith YouTube: @seanandchristasmithministries

  • "Esthers Arise: Convo with Jenny Donnelly" S5 Ep5

    "Esthers Arise: Convo with Jenny Donnelly" S5 Ep5

    From the book of Genesis onward, Satan has been on a mission to restrain women from fulfilling her destiny as a co-heir and co-laborer with Christ. Yes, she is different and unique, yet in Christ, she is qualified to rise up and boldly release the authority of Heaven on earth. It’s only when this mandate is fully restored and its expression is encouraged in the church that we will begin to see Holy Spirit outpouring demonstrated in a more complete and dynamic way. As long as women are restrained from preaching and prophesying, biblically speaking, we are only going to experience a trickle of revival when God wills a river. In this episode of Keep It 100, we have an inspiring and potentially life- changing talk with author, reformer and Momma Bear Jenny Donnelly. Website: Facebook: @seanandchristasmithministries Instagram: @revseansmith @mrschristasmith Twitter: @revseansmith YouTube: @seanandchristasmithministries