"How To Process Your Pain & Handle Heartache" S4 Ep8

Keep It 100 with Sean & Christa Smith by Charisma Podcast Network

Episode notes

Whether you saw it coming or not, the feeling is the same: You’re devastated. You gasp at your vulnerability and wonder, “Why did this happen?” Emotional pain is an inevitable part of life. Knowing that, doesn’t seem to make it any easier...

There are many things we do not have control over in life that cause us emotional pain. The death of a loved one, job loss, a breakup . . . these are things that happen to us randomly and without warning. What’s worse, is that we cannot do anything to change what happened after the fact.

What we can do in these situations is identify and focus on what we do have control over. In this episode of "Keep It 100", we have a pivotal conversation on how to recover when Life seems to crush you and people seem to make decisions that devastate you. There are some principles shared that can rev ... 

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