"The Missing Ingredient to Healing Ministry: with Joanne Moody" S4 Ep13

Keep It 100 with Sean & Christa Smith by Charisma Podcast Network

Episode notes

Conversations on the idea of divine healing can sometimes bring up negative responses. It's at the point where people feel the need to give a trigger warning before they talk about it. This indicates a larger problem today in some church circles. Part of this is due to ignorance, part of this is due to some bad practices and personalities, but are we losing a corporate grip on a crucial "dinner bell" to the Gospel? Are we missing out on something the church is to major in, particularly in a day of super viruses, massive incurable diseases and rising anxieties. Jesus rose up out of the tomb and "took captivity captive and gave gifts to men"..So what if there is something revolutionary available that we are leaving behind that could alter the face of modern christianity?    In this episode of Keep It 100, we have a revealin ... 

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