Episode notes

Happy New Year! We’re back with an episode all about a controversial subject: New Year's Resolutions, health habits and how to work towards your health goals.

Here’s a clue: we’re not all that into New Year’s Resolutions! Intrigued? We’ll tell you all about why they can often fail, and we’ll tell you how to set yourself up for success when it comes to habit change.

Some topics we cover:

  • Our Christmases
  • Habits we want to pick up (again) this year
  • How to start building new healthy habits
  • Why New Year’s Resolutions often fail
  • How hypnosis helps habit change
  • Habits we want to stop
  • The importance of starting small when it comes to habit change

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cognitive behavioural hypnotherapybalanceconsistencybrain healthappetitehealthy lifestylehabit changenew yearhabitcognitive behavioural