Finding Giant Walleyes in Ft. Peck With FFS w/ Brem Phipps | JMO Fishing 284

JMO Podcast by Jason Mitchell Outdoors

Episode notes

Brem Phipps joins the JMO Podcast for this one. After being baptized into walleye fishing on Ft. Peck in eastern Montana, Brem has more recently shown consistent success in some of the most competitive tournaments on the big reservoir. Winning the Crooked Creek Tournament with a two day total of 96.3 lbs for ten fish. In this interview we get to know a young 24 year old angler that has an unstoppable drive to be the best tournament walleye angler he can be. Forward facing sonar is the central piece of tech that Brem uses to find and catch giant Ft. Peck walleyes. Listen here on how this young man is getting it done.

Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks - FWP.MT.GOV/AIS.

PK Lures -

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Fishing PodcastJMO Podcastlivescope fishingbest fishing podcastbest walleye fishing podcastactive target fishingjmo fishinglivescoping walleyesgarmin livescopeBrem Phippsft peck walleye fishingft peck walleyemontana walleye fishingffs for walleyes