Out for a Drive No Destination in Mind Chapter Five

jesusisliberalfullPOD! by James Rockwood

Episode notes


The drag coefficient would slow us down, or worse...

Jerk us back and up—bending our course towards kingdom come.

All the while, dancing and dropping, as we went,

A potpourri of odds and ends:

A potpourri of odds and ends:

A potpourri of odds and ends:


Baskets full of red and blinking bulbous noses,

Huge shoes, seltzer bottles (flailing and spraying)

Freshly twisted into life-sized balloon animals...

And right along with this profusion of clown falderal...

Getting pulled into the tornadic stew and strewn...

Vs reprise:

Baskets full of red and blinking bulbous noses,

Huge shoes, seltzer bottles (flailing and spraying)

Freshly twisted life-sized balloon animals...

And right along with this  ... 

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