Jesus-Centric Leadership

by Pastor Josh Krepel and Donna Patton

Tune in weekly as Pastor Josh Krepel and Donna Patton engage in insightful discussions on the concept of Jesus Centric Leadership. Explore the significance of this leadership approach and understand why it holds paramount importance. Don't miss out on gaining valuable insights into the transformative power of Jesus Centric Leadership.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • JCLP 005: Culture Over Locks

    JCLP 005: Culture Over Locks

    In this episode ofJesus-Centric Leadership, we explore the transformative power of culture through the lens of Pastor Josh's journey with PWC. Culture is more than just a buzzword; it's about the actions we take and the environment we create. Pastor Josh shares the remarkable story of how PWC transitioned from a closed-off, rigid environment to one defined by love, care, and community. Tune in as we learn how intentional shifts in culture can lead to profound changes in how we relate to one another and impact the world around us for Jesus.

  • JCLP 004: What Is Discipleship?

    JCLP 004: What Is Discipleship?

    In this episode, we unravel the essence of discipleship, posing the question: Is discipleship about sitting at the feet of Jesus or living for others? Our belief is that it's both. Join us as we explore the dynamic balance between learning from the teachings of Jesus and actively living out those principles in service to others.

  • JCLP 003: What is Our Vision?

    JCLP 003: What is Our Vision?

    Join Pastor Josh as he delves into our ministry's vision: "Because of Jesus, We Love, Equip, Go." In this episode, discover the significance of this vision and why we believe it plays a crucial role in shaping our ministry at Peace With Christ.

  • JCLP 002: God's Mission

    JCLP 002: God's Mission

    Discover the profound link between the Church's mission and Jesus' purpose. In this episode, explore what can happen when your mission aligns with Jesus'. Join us to uncover the transformative power of connecting your personal mission with the eternal mission of Jesus.

  • JCLP 001: Mission Drift

    JCLP 001: Mission Drift

    "Mission Drift," will explore the idea that limiting mission work to church workers restricts the scope of our impact. A small mission can become a big mission when all Christians actively participate. Discover how embracing a broader perspective can lead to a greater positive influence in our communities and beyond.