
Ghosts of Penis Past

It's My Podcast And I'll Bitch If I Want To! by Kymberlee Amber Marlow

Episode notes

Every heard anything go bump in the night ? You ever opened your closet door and got hit with a bone from those skeletons in there....But somebody please call Ghostbusters because I've been haunted lately and this ghost right here showed up to remind me of what kind of person I was in the past. Just like the movie A Christmas Carol this ghost arrived just in time to bring me back to my senses and remind me WHY I DIDNT EVER WANT A RELATIONSHIP. So when I awoke after the visit or the haunting I had a whole new look on life. Just like scrooge I danced through the streets because thanks to my ghostly visitor I am heading in the direction I needed to go and I'm traveling alone. I ain't afraid of no ghost but they aggravate the fuck out of me.